Month: May 2015

Daily Huddles in the Workplace

Daily Huddles in the Workplace

Huddling up isn’t just for sports teams, it works great in business, too. Here at Adventure Associates we have a morning huddle every day. For us it’s a quick, highly-directed stand-up meeting that allows us to check-in with the rest of the team on current activities and to keep abreast of any major happenings in the company. They’re a great way to get off on the right foot for the day, and even for those of you who are averse to meetings, you’ll likely find that they’re quite painless and actually helpful. Likewise, they also help develop camaraderie and a

Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before Calling Your Next Meeting

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Calling Your Next Meeting

Meetings often feel like one of the ring’s in Dante’s infamous journey, a sort of business life purgatory fraught with Dilbert-esque absurdity and frustration. But whether you like it or not, they’re also an absolute necessity. So how do we get better at meetings? They don’t all have to be mind numbing rituals, I assure you. To make sure we’re getting the most from our meetings we need to be confident that they’re actually providing value to us. We’ve come up with a few questions for you to ask yourself before deciding whether your next meeting is actually worthwhile.

Practice is Good for Business

Practice is Good for Business

If you ever played sports or a musical instrument, then you know how much these endeavors revolve around practice. Hours and hours of practice. Despite the fact that tournament games and music recitals get all the attention, it’s the hours of practice and drilling that really underpin any successes in those fields. And regardless of how much you lamented the time spent honing your fundamentals – executing the basics over and over – you can’t deny the fact that it made you better.