At the Heart of It

With an understanding of decision-making styles, a first-hand familiarity with decision-making tools and clearly defined rules and roles, create a more productive and accountable team.

Nuts and Bolts

  • Indoor
  • Half-day

Decision-making for Teams

Empower your team to make faster,
easier and more confident decisions

Even during ideal circumstances, making decisions can test the best of teams, threatening and undermining relationships as it impedes progress and effectiveness. Even worse, when the process is unclear, roles undefined and responsibilities sketchy, you may be inviting disaster. Providing effective decision-making tools will make strategic decision-making the foundation of a more effective team.

Reach agreement on the right process
without jeopardizing relationships

This is much more than decision-making theory; a disciplined decision-making process is essential for effective team decision-making. Beginning with the definition of what constitutes a good decision, we’ll examine your barriers and challenges, and then explore the unilateral, consultative and consensus approaches to making decisions.

In preparation for future decisions, we’ll develop a plan, define the decision-making rules, and engage all participants in a process that is characterized by team commitment and accountability. Then you’ll test it using a powerful decision-making tool examining past decisions and viewing them through a more informed lens of knowledge and self-awareness.

Selected Outcomes

  • Gain understanding of the leader’s responsibility in deciding how to decide.
  • Define individual roles within the team decision-making process.
  • Prepare team members to choose the right approach, and do it with
    an understanding of the pros and cons of each.
  • Achieve greater commitment and productivity with a new discipline
    injected into your team’s decision-making process.

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At the Heart of It

With an understanding of decision-making styles, a first-hand familiarity with decision-making tools and clearly defined rules and roles, create a more productive and accountable team.

Nuts and Bolts

  • Indoor
  • Half-day