At the Heart of It
A dynamic workshop features the training and practice that allows you to tear down organizational silos and replace territorialism with healthy, freely given feedback, building unity, collaboration and trust.
Nuts and Bolts
- Indoor
- Full-day
Open Door
Open Door: Swap organizational silos for unity, partnerships and teamwork
It’s easy to focus on our differences—departments, functions, agendas, personal styles, physical barriers, even time zones. At times everything seems to work against the team, and unity and partnerships seem impossible. We’re territorially blinded where we might agree, unsure about sharing ideas; feedback is muted, and a prevailing lack of trust reinforces the organizational silos that separate and work against us.
Banish territorialism and replace it with trust
What’s needed is stakeholder commitment to a plan with specific actions steps, and we’ll show you how to create that in a workshop that immerses you in an instructive process with immediate workplace benefits. Using intradepartmental feedback tears down the barriers, and it translates into real-world breakthroughs. The Open Door workshop will teach you how and prepare you to implement what you learn.
Smaller groups engage participants as they identify their weaknesses and core strengths and compare perceptions, learning about each other and suggesting welcomed ideas and improvements validated by self-assessment and feedback. Exercises that teach, topple barriers, drive discussion and reveal real solutions. Participants gain confidence as they practice the process they’ll immediately apply with confidence back at the office.
Selected Outcomes
- Foster departmental pride and recognition of contributions.
- Leverage stakeholder feedback, driving an improved process for everyone.
- Create a workplace culture of open communication with confident team members.
- Banish territorialism and replace it with trust in a non-confrontational environment.
- Team Building Lessons – How Much Time Should We Spend Planning? - May 7, 2018
- Team Building Lessons – Do We Try a New Approach? - May 2, 2018
- Team Building Lessons - May 2, 2018

At the Heart of It
A dynamic workshop features the training and practice that allows you to tear down organizational silos and replace territorialism with healthy, freely given feedback, building unity, collaboration and trust.
Nuts and Bolts
- Indoor
- Full-day